Protect Your Business with TCPA Compliance Using TrustedForm
If you contact consumers on their mobile phone, you could be liable for $500 to $1,500.00 for every call or text. That adds up fast.
Such cases can be very attractive to litigators, and the legal fees alone for defending a complaint can be significant.
Learn More About ActiveProspect's TrustedForm TCPA Compliance Software
©2022 ActiveProspect
It’s not all bad news! There are TCPA compliance software solutions available to help you protect your company from litigation.
Make sure you’re investing in the right one, though. Compliance is multifaceted, so your solution needs to be, too.
Find the Right TCPA Compliance Solution: TrustedForm
Consent Verification & Documentation
Verify & document proof of consent to avoid TCPA litigation.
Download the TCPA Compliance Guide
Ignorance isn't bliss. Protect your company by learning and following TCPA best practices.
If you’re one of the thousands of companies that use telemarketing or telesales as part of your outbound lead generation strategy, you simply can’t afford to get caught in a TCPA violation. Failing to meet TCPA compliance standards and regulations can cost you in both legal fees and your brand’s reputation -- litigation is on the rise.
Why follow TCPA best practices?
“TCPA” stands for the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA), a piece of federal legislation that requires prior express written consent for texts or calls made to mobile phones using auto-dialers or pre-recorded messages.
What does "TCPA" stand for?
Session Replay
Multipage recreation of the form.
Realtime Page Scanning
Scan page to ensure TCPA consent language is present.
Claudio Duran
Digital Marketing Manager at ADT
ActiveProspect gives us incredible insight into our lead generation efforts. TrustedForm protects our brand and is critical for compliance.
Mitch Swersky
National Senior Benefits Advisors Group
TrustedForm has given us the peace of mind to continue to grow our business, because we can show opt-in and intent for all leads.
Learn More About ActiveProspect's TrustedForm TCPA Compliance Software
If you contact consumers on their mobile phone, you could be liable for $500 to $1,500.00 for every call or text. That adds up fast.
2019 - Sent prerecorded voice messages, automatic telephone dialing systems and unwanted text messages.
It only takes ONE lawsuit
2021 - HelloFresh inundated them with telemarketing calls without Plaintiff's’ prior express written consent.
To give you an idea of just how much a lawsuit can cost a company, here are a few settled cases:
2019 - Made telemarketing calls using automatic telephone system and pre-recorded messages without prior written consent.
2019 - Sent marketing texts without obtaining prior written consent.